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Dermatology Groups & Charities
Psychodermatology UK

The purpose of Psychodermatology UK is to raise awareness of the psychosocial impact of skin disease and to promote multi-disciplinary management between dermatologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.


  1. Improve national awareness of Psychodermatology within the general public, politicians, patient  groups, GPs, Dermatologists,Psychiatrists, Psychologists and allied health professionals
  2. Improve education and training in Psychodermatology
  3. Promote research and evidence-based practice
  4. Collect and disseminate relevant Psychodermatology information
  5. Provide post-graduate education in Psychodermatology management
Contact Email:
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Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
+44 (0)020 7383 0266