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Dermatology Education for Medical Students

Dermatology Education for Medical Students

The Medical Student Workstream of the British College of Dermatology (BCD) works to support and improve dermatology training for medical students across the UK. The BCD does this through its undergraduate curriculum, educational resources, events for medical students, and more.

<p>Dermatology Education for Medical Students</p>

The Medical Student Curriculum

While the BCD does not ‘set’ the curriculum for dermatology training in medical schools, we have developed a BCD Medical Student Curriculum which is designed to support UK medical schools by providing guidance on the minimum competencies required of a medical school graduate to ensure the safe care of patients with skin disease.

The core curriculum is set out as learning outcomes with suggestions for how these might be learnt, taught, and assessed.

Despite the prevalence of skin complaints across primary and secondary care, there is a striking lack of postgraduate opportunities to learn clinical dermatology. Adequate undergraduate attainment underpinned by clinical experience has the potential to ensure that every future medical practitioner has sufficient grounding needed to diagnosis and manage the most prevalent, serious, and life-threatening skin conditions.

Social Media Guidance for Dermatologists and Dermatology Trainees

Read our guidance to members of the BAD on the risks and benefits of engagement with social media.

Educational Resources for Medical Students

Through the BCD, the BAD produces a range of educational resources for medical students.

Dermatology: A Handbook for Medical Students and Junior Doctors (3rd Edition)

Dermatology Societies for Medical Students

DermSocs are a great way for medical students to engage with peers who have a shared interest in dermatology. Many medical schools will have an existing DermSoc which you can join, however, if there is no existing DermSoc, then you may be able to establish one yourself and affiliate with the BAD.

To support the work of DermSocs around the UK, there is the UK National DermSoc Committee, run by medical students, and supported by the BAD.

For more information about the purpose of DermSocs, how to join, or how to set-up a Derm Soc, read our ‘Guide to DermSocs’ resource.
Read the latest DermSoc UK Newsletters below:

Contact the National DermSoc Committee

You can email the UK National DermSoc Committee, run by medical students and junior doctors, for support with your DermSoc at:

DermSoc Guide

Please follow the link below to download the BAD DermSoc Guide

DermSoc Newsletters

DermSoc Newsletter 2023

Summer 2023 Volume 1 : Issue 18

DermSoc Newsletter January 2022

Winter 2022 Volume 1 : Issue 16

DermSoc Newsletter January 2021

Spring 2021 Volume 1: Issue 15

Medical Student Awards

The BAD has a number of grants and awards open to medical students studying in the UK and Ireland. Applicants are advised to download the application forms, and carefully read and adhere to the application conditions.

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Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
+44 (0)020 7383 0266