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Dermatology Teachers and Trainers

Dermatology Teachers and Trainers

This page and its contents are dedicated to those who are involved in teaching and assessing undergraduates. For medical student resources please see the medical student section.

<p>Dermatology Teachers and Trainers</p>

Dermatology in the Undergraduate Curriculum

The core curriculum is set out as learning outcomes, but does not specify educational methodologies, teaching delivery or assessment methods, recognising that individual schools have their own requirements. This curriculum, based on the results of a Delphi study, sets out the minimum that we believe should be achieved by all UK medical undergraduates.

Some additional learning outcomes, identified as important but not essential in this study, are listed in a second document. You might wish to add some of these to your basic core.

You can look at the BAD 2020 revised UG Curriculum for information on curriculum design, learning and teaching assessments, and course evaluation below.

The General Medical Council (GMC) plans to introduce a national Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) in 2024 for all UK medical students as part of their primary medical qualification, with dermatology specified in its assessment blueprint. We present an update to the British Association of Dermatologists’ Undergraduate Curriculum, aligned both to the MLA Content Map and the GMC Outcomes for Graduates 2018. This can be downloaded from the CED journal.

The other documents on the site can be downloaded and adapted to suit your needs. They include learning resources (logbooks), teaching resources, assessment tools (OSCE stations) and course evaluations. If you have material that has been evaluated positively by students that you would like to share with other teachers, please submit it to

Teaching Resources

Lesson Plan (Living with Psoriasis)

Seminar / Workshop Guidance

Skin Disease in the Community Lesson Plan

Norwich Medical School : case-based learning

Dermatology Logbook

Assessment Tools

Below are a selection of Dermatology OSCE station templates for Undergraduate Assessment, including case history, patient notes, and assessor scoring sheets.

Course Report

Eczema OSCE

Chronic Inflammatory Skin Disease OSCE


Skin Cancer OSCE

Course Evaluation

Below are resources teachers may find useful for course evaluation. However, it is acknowledged that most centres may have evaluation processes directed by their university.

Evaluation of Dermatology Course

Seminar Feedback

Clinic Evaluation

Resources for Career Events

These PDFs are provided to be printed as either posters or leaflets for career events at your local institution

BAD Dermatology Careers Poster 1

BAD Dermatology Careers Poster 2

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