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Becoming a Dermatologist

Becoming a Dermatologist

A dermatologist is a medically qualified practitioner who has gone on to specialise in medicine and then further specialise in diagnosing and treating skin disease. Dermatologists treat a range of hair, skin, and nail diseases, over 2,000 in total, some of the most common include acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer. 

<p>Becoming a Dermatologist</p>

How to become a dermatologist

Dermatology is one of the most popular medical specialties in the UK, with competition for places being fierce. Here is what is required to become a Consultant Dermatologist:

Basic requirements

  • Three or four ‘A’ levels often at grade A or A*. These must include Chemistry and usually also Biology, Physics or Maths.
  • Medical school for five or six years, with or without gaining an intercalated degree, to obtain a basic medical degree e.g. MBChB, MBBS.
  • Foundation training for two years, rotating around different medical and surgical specialties.
  • Internal Medicine Training for two more years to gain further experience in medical specialties and to pass examinations to become a member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). It is also possible to enter dermatology training after doing paediatric rotations and achieving membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
  • Having attained MRCP you may then apply for a training post in dermatology. Currently, this is a very popular specialty and the competition for entry to the specialty is most intense.
  • Secure a Dermatology Specialty Registrar (StR) post and train for four years in the specialty.
  • Pass the Specialty Certificate Examination (SCE) in Dermatology before the end of training.
  • Upon successful completion of the four-year training period, you would become an accredited dermatologist and be able to apply for a consultant dermatologist post.

Extra curriculars

Get involved in your medical school’s Dermatology Society. If there isn’t one, set one up! For further advice, contact the UK National DermSoc Committee who will try their best to assist with your queries.

Useful Links



How to become a consultant dermatologist through Portfolio pathway

Doctors may apply via the Portfolio pathway in a CCT specialty if they have training, qualifications and experience in dermatology but have gained these partly or completely outside of an approved UK CCT training programme e.g. have trained outside the UK, moved abroad, or taken a career break. The Portfolio pathway in the UK CCT specialty of dermatology requires demonstration of competences according to the CCT curriculum, which includes acute dermatology, paediatric dermatology, and community dermatology.

You can find out more about this process on our Dermatology Portfolio Pathway Guidance page.

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+44 (0)020 7383 0266