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Dermatology Groups & Charities
The British Society for Medical Dermatology (BSMD)

The British Society for Medical Dermatology (BSMD) is a society for dermatologists with an interest in the management of patients with inflammatory dermatoses and the cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease. The purpose of the Society is to improve the care of patients with medical dermatological conditions by improving understanding of medical dermatology, promoting an academic and clinical interest in the field, and collaboration between dermatologists and other medical specialists.

The society achieves these aims through the delivery of regular educational lectures, conferences and events for doctors at all stages of their career. Over recent years the allocation of the BSMD Fellowship Award has supported the development of expertise in the field of Medical Dermatology for dermatologists in training.

For more information please visit our website.
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Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
+44 (0)020 7383 0266