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Pharmacists in Dermatology

Pharmacists in Dermatology

Pharmacists who work in secondary and tertiary care dermatology departments provide a unique skillset and invaluable expertise. This page provides resources supporting the business case for pharmacists in dermatology and outlining job descriptions for these roles.

Business Cases for Pharmacists in Dermatology

There may be a need in some trusts for a specialised pharmacist role, to assist clinicians and other dermatology staff in the care of patients and running of the department.

Below are some examples of Business Cases and other proposal documents produced by trusts for a specialised pharmacist in the workforce.

Specialised Pharmacist Job Description and Person Specification Template

Below is a template from the Pharmacist Workstream which organisations might find useful as a starting point for their own Job Description and Person Specifications.

Education for Specialised Pharmacists

Below are links to pharmaceutical training programmes that may be suitable for specialised pharmacists.

Please visit the Education and Training section for more information on Pharmacy Educational information.
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