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Market Forces Factor and its use in the NHS Payment Scheme

The Market Forces Factor and its use in the NHS Payment Scheme

The Market Forces Factor estimates the unavoidable cost differences between healthcare providers.

The Market Forces Factor (MFF) is used to adjust resource allocations in the NHS in proportion to these cost differences, so that patients are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by the relative level of unavoidable costs in different parts of the country. NHS England calculate an individual MFF value for each NHS trust and foundation trust.

NHS England calculate an individual MFF value for each NHS trust and foundation trust. The relative values for all trusts are presented in two indices:

  • The underlying index, which is used to adjust funding for integrated care boards (ICBs): in higher cost areas, ICBs receive higher levels of funding through the allocation formula1 so that they are able to meet the higher costs of providers for the same level of healthcare.
  • The payment index, which is used in the NHS Payment Scheme (NHSPS) to adjust unit prices for each provider.

MFF Models and Metrics

2019-2020 MFF Buildings model

2019-2020 MFF Business Rates Models

2019-2020 MFF Final Index Model

2019-2020 MFF Land Model

2019-2020 MFF MD Staff Model

2019-2020 MFF Non MD Staff Model

2019-2020 MFF Weightings Model

MFF Metrics Engine 2019-2020

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