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Health and Social Care Bill

Health and Social Care Bill

Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the Health and Care Bill it received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022. The Bill is now an Act of Parliament (law). This builds on the proposals for legislative change set out in NHSEI’s Long Term Plan.

Health and Social Care Bill 2022

The Bill streamlines and updates the legal framework for health and care to allow the system to be less bureaucratic and more integrated. An Integrated Care Board and an Integrated Care Partnership will be established in each area of England which will be responsible for bringing together local NHS organisations, local government, and public health, to deliver joined up care for its local population. The legislation will allow NHS England to arrange for its functions to be delegated or jointly delivered with ICS Bodies.

Roles and Responsibilities at a National Level

Roles and Responsibilities at a Local Level

Local authorities will be responsible for improving the health of their local populations by pulling together all of the work done by the NHS, social care, housing, environmental health, leisure and transport services. Local authorities will be required to appoint a Director of Public Health and publish annual reports to chart local progress in health improvement. It is therefore important that you forge relationships with them to influence how your local dermatology services are developed.

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