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Our Values

Our Values

The slogan of the BAD is ‘healthy skin for all’, something that remains at the heart of everything we do, but this doesn’t necessarily illuminate our values. This section outlines our key policies on issues beyond that ‘healthy skin for all’ mantra.

<p>Our Values</p>

We believe that the values of an organisation are as important as its objectives, workstreams, and successes. How you go about doing things is as important as what you achieve. Furthermore, we believe that it is important that we are open about these values and the policies which underpin them. Issues such as diversity and inclusion or sustainability and climate change are important to our members, the patients they see, the wider public, and our staff. These issues have real world implications, including often on the quality of care that our members can deliver. For example, the link between changing rates of skin disease and climate change has been well documented and improved inclusivity and diversity can lead to better outcomes for patients.

While the policies included here aren’t exhaustive, and will be updated and added to over time, we hope they give a useful insight into some of the issues which are important to us. 

Every year, the BAD conducts a review of the our policies and processes, with input from external advisors as relevant. These include multiple policies relating to health and safety, HR, our building and facilities, and those that apply to our members. Changes are also made in the interim, between review dates, when potential improvements or clarifications are identified, or in response to changes to national legislation or guidance. Our policies are intended to be dynamic and responsive, allowing us to proactively identify and implement improvements as needed. This approach ensures that we stay current and continually enhance our practices to better serve our objectives. When changes are made to policies affecting our members, these changes are highlighted via our membership communication channels

Our Policies

In this section you can find and download the British Association of Dermatologists’ policies on a range of topics. If you have questions about any of these policies, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Contact us about our values or policies
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Willan House, 4 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HQ
+44 (0)020 7383 0266